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About Us

About Yes Gold and Sulis Gold

In 2016, Yes Gold embarked on a profound journey with the goal of becoming Turkey's leading international company in the gold mining industry. Over the years, we have consistently evolved and grown into a prominent company, proving our expertise in the field of gold mining. Our subsidiary, Sulis Gold, operates with this expertise, aiming to bring value to our customers, business partners, and the community.

Value-Adding Mission

Sulis Gold is not just a leader in gold mining; it also places a strong emphasis on social responsibility. In everything we do, our goal is to leave a positive impact on society, our employees, and business partners. Sustainability and environmental responsibility are fundamental aspects of our business model.

Experienced Team and Advanced Technology

The Sulis Gold team boasts significant experience in gold mining and has a strong presence in the international market. Our facility located in Istanbul Vizyon Park Plaza utilizes the most advanced technologies in the industry to produce our products in the safest and healthiest manner possible. We are committed to providing quality and reliable products to our customers, investors, and all stakeholders.

Payment Assurance

Sulis Gold ensures payment security through reliable platforms such as iyzico. This allows our customers to make payments securely and access their gold investments with confidence.

Choose Sulis Gold to step into a brilliant future. When you're with us, your journey in the world of gold will be secure, robust, and filled with trendy products. We thank you for choosing us and for being a part of our story.